Thursday, February 16, 2012

About myself and why I'm doing this.

My name is Rachel. I'm 19 years old and a mother to a wonderful little boy named Keith Thomas & currently expecting a little girl who is due to make her mark on the world starting April 24th 2012 but we all know how due dates go. ;). I live in upstate New York with my fiance. We have a rocky relationship but are trying to make it work we've been together for 3 years. I got pregnant when I was 17 years old with my son had him at 18. Becoming a mother was a life changing event for me. As it is for any woman. I have a bit of a rough history and didn't grow up in an "ideal" situation and I am still struggling to learn how to become a better person then what I've been taught and so far I'd say I'm not doing to bad, given the circumstances and life I was given. I do have one person who helps me out no matter what and gives me a clear view on things when things are foggy and that would be my grandfather he's done more for me then anyone ever has and probably ever will. So much so that my sons middle name is the same as his and he was the one in the delivery room with me and cut the cord. I'm currently 2 years sober as well. I'll get into to that more at some other point though. I'm starting this blog as a way for me to vent, share, laugh and cry at anything that life may throw at me. Makes sense right? Maybe, maybe not. Anyway that's about it for now. 

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